Videos relacionados con comprar foot nylon smelling


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  • Como se cambian las cuerdas de una guitarra acústica.

  • Cuba: Pescadores de orilla

    Los pescadores de orilla trabajan con muy pocos recursos y por muchas horas para poder llevar unos pescaditos a la mesa. Los pescadores comentaron a ADN Cuba argumentan que todo está muy caro: “Medio sueldo para comprar un carrete de nylon”

    Ver video "Cuba: Pescadores de orilla"

  • WORX WA0004 0.065-Inch 10-Foot Replacement Line Spool for WG150s, WG151s, WG152, WG155s, WG165, WG166, 2-Pack Review

    WORX WA0004 0.065-Inch 10-Foot Replacement Line Spool for WG150s, WG151s, WG152, WG155s, WG165, WG166, 2-PackProduct Review

    Click on the link for more reviews

    Replacement cutting line for the Worx WG150 and WG151 series trimmers

    0.065-Inch cutting line. Patented Copolymer nylon resin + synthetic, Oval aerodynamic .060 twisted with .75 twist per inch

    10-Foot long for added longevity

    Powerful single-line release with helix braid provides added cutting power

    2-Pack pre-wound spool for quick line changes

    Ver video "WORX WA0004 0.065-Inch 10-Foot Replacement Line Spool for WG150s, WG151s, WG152, WG155s, WG165, WG166, 2-Pack Review"

  • Cyclone .155-Inch-by-315-Foot Commercial Trimmer Line, Red CY155S3 Review

    Cyclone .155-Inch-by-315-Foot Commercial Trimmer Line, Red CY155S3Product Review

    Click on the link for more reviews

    Trimmer line ideal for landscaping professionals

    Features patented 6-bladed shape for added cutting power

    Proprietary commercial grade copolymer nylon provides superior strength and durability

    Perfect for high-wheel trimmers; for use with all 065-inch diameter trimmers

    Measures .155-inches-by-315-feet

    Ver video "Cyclone .155-Inch-by-315-Foot Commercial Trimmer Line, Red CY155S3 Review"

  • Weber Q 240 Electric Grill Review

    Weber Q 240 Electric GrillProduct Review

    Click on the link for more reviews

    Portable 1560-watt electric grill with 280-square-inch cooking area

    Made of cast aluminum with a glass-reinforced nylon frame and a painted finish

    Porcelain-enameled cast-iron cooking grate; removable drip pan; aluminum heat-retention liner

    Includes 6-foot grounded electrical cord for simple plug-in operation

    Measures 25 inches long by 27 inches wide by 26 inches high; 5-year limited warranty

    Ver video "Weber Q 240 Electric Grill Review"

  • Negociando con Tiburones T7-E4

    Capitulo siguiente:
    Capitulo anterior:
    Foot Cardigan (a Wonderful Wedding) : Un par de amigos presentan una compañía que hace que comprar calcetines por correo sea muy divertido…
    ValPark : Un diseñador web presenta una solución para el fastidio de aparcar mediante un smartphone…
    The two Guys Bowtie Company: Un par de amigos presenta una solución para destacarse en fiestas, bailes y reuniones a través de un accesorio clásico…
    Nerdwax: Una Familia presenta un producto que hará que las gafas sean más estables al momento de usarlos…

    Ver video "Negociando con Tiburones T7-E4"

  • Tutorial - Haz tu anillo con Chatones Swarovski

    Aprende como hacer estos preciosos anillos con Cristal Swarovski con Rocallas de Miyuki. Te lo explicamos paso a paso. No te pierdas este tutorial.
    Chatones Swarovski SS20→
    Rocalla Miyuki 11/0→
    Hilo de Nylon de 0,25mm→
    Agujas de Enfilar→
    Tijeras y Alicate de Punta Plana.

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    Ver video "Tutorial - Haz tu anillo con Chatones Swarovski"




    Infinitivo Pasado participio Traducción
    Arise Arisen Surgir
    Be Been Ser o estar
    Beat Beaten Golpear
    Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
    Begin Begun Empezar
    Bend Bend Doblar
    Bite Biten Morder
    Bleed Bled Sangrar
    Blow Blown Soplar
    Break Broken Romper
    Beat Beaten Golpear
    Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
    Begin Begun Empezar
    Bend Bend Doblar
    Bite Biten Morder
    Bleed Bled Sangrar
    Blow Blown Soplar
    Break Broken Romper
    Bring Brought Traer
    Build Built Construir
    Burn Burnt Quemar
    Buy Bought Comprar
    Cost Cost Costar
    Cut Cut Cortar
    Do Done Hacer
    Draw Drawn Dibujar
    Dream Dreamed / Dreamt Soñar
    Drink Drunk Beber
    Drive Driven Conducir
    Eat Eaten Comer
    Fall Fallen Caer
    Fly Flown Volar
    Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
    Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
    Forget Forgotten Olvidar
    Forgive Forgiven Perdonar
    Get Got Conseguir, Coger
    Give Given Dar
    Go Gone Ir
    Grow Grown Crecer
    Have Had Tener
    Hear Heard Oir
    Hide Hidden Esconder
    Hit Hit Pegar, golpear
    Hold Held Agarrar, sostener
    Hurt Hurt Herir, dañar
    Keep Kept Guardar
    Kneel Knelt Arrodillarse
    Know Known Saber, conocer
    Lay Laid Extender, poner
    Lead Led Dirigir
    Lean Leaned / Leant Inclinarse
    Learn Learned / Learnt Aprender
    Leave Left Salir, marcharse, dejar
    Lend Lent Prestar
    Let Let Dejar, permitir
    Lie Lain Tumbarse, echarse
    Light Lit Prender, encender
    Make Made Hacer
    Mean Meant Significar
    Meet Met Conocer
    Pay Paid Pagar
    Put Put Poner
    Read Read Leer
    Ride Riden Montar
    Ring Rung Llamar
    Rise Risen Subir, crecer
    Run Ran Correr
    Say Said Decir
    See Seen Ver
    Sell Sold Vender
    Send Sent Enviar
    Set Set Poner, colocar
    Sew Swen Coser
    Shake Shaken Agitar
    Shine Shone Brillar
    Shoot Shot Disparar
    Show Shown Mostrar, enseñar
    Shrink Shrunk Encoger
    Shut Shut Cerrar
    Sing Sung Cantar
    Sink Sunk Hundir
    Sit Sat Sentarse
    Sleep Slept Dormir
    Slide Slide Deslizar, deslizarse
    Smell Smelt Oler
    Sow Sown Sembrar
    Speak Spoken Hablar
    Spell Spelt / spelled Deletrear
    Spend Spent Gastar
    Spill Spilt Derramar, verter
    Spit Spat Escupir
    Split Split quebrar, dividir
    Spoil Spoilt Echar a perder/mimar
    Spread Spread Extender, difundir, untar
    Spring Sprung Salir, aparecer, brotar
    Stand Stood Estar de pie
    Steal Stolen Robar
    Stick Stuck Clavar, pegar
    Sting Stung Picar, escocer
    Strike Struck Golpear
    Swear Sworn Basfemar/jurar
    Sweep Swept Barrer
    Swell Swollen Aumentar, crecer
    Swim Swum Nadar
    Swing Swung Balancear, balancearse
    Take Taken Coger/llevar/tomar
    Teach Taught Enseñar
    Tear Torn Rasgar/arrancar
    Tell Told Decir/contar
    Think Thought Pensar
    Throw Thrown Tirar, arrojar
    Understand Understood Entender
    Wake Woken Despertarse
    Wear Worn Llevar puesto-ropa
    Weep Wept Llorar
    Win Won Ganar
    Write Written Escribir

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    Infinitivo Pasado participio Traducción
    Arise Arisen Surgir
    Be Been Ser o estar
    Beat Beaten Golpear
    Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
    Begin Begun Empezar
    Bend Bend Doblar
    Bite Biten Morder
    Bleed Bled Sangrar
    Blow Blown Soplar
    Break Broken Romper
    Beat Beaten Golpear
    Become Become Llegar a ser, convertirse
    Begin Begun Empezar
    Bend Bend Doblar
    Bite Biten Morder
    Bleed Bled Sangrar
    Blow Blown Soplar
    Break Broken Romper
    Bring Brought Traer
    Build Built Construir
    Burn Burnt Quemar
    Buy Bought Comprar
    Cost Cost Costar
    Cut Cut Cortar
    Do Done Hacer
    Draw Drawn Dibujar
    Dream Dreamed / Dreamt Soñar
    Drink Drunk Beber
    Drive Driven Conducir
    Eat Eaten Comer
    Fall Fallen Caer
    Fly Flown Volar
    Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
    Forbid Forbidden Prohibir
    Forget Forgotten Olvidar
    Forgive Forgiven Perdonar
    Get Got Conseguir, Coger
    Give Given Dar
    Go Gone Ir
    Grow Grown Crecer
    Have Had Tener
    Hear Heard Oir
    Hide Hidden Esconder
    Hit Hit Pegar, golpear
    Hold Held Agarrar, sostener
    Hurt Hurt Herir, dañar
    Keep Kept Guardar
    Kneel Knelt Arrodillarse
    Know Known Saber, conocer
    Lay Laid Extender, poner
    Lead Led Dirigir
    Lean Leaned / Leant Inclinarse
    Learn Learned / Learnt Aprender
    Leave Left Salir, marcharse, dejar
    Lend Lent Prestar
    Let Let Dejar, permitir
    Lie Lain Tumbarse, echarse
    Light Lit Prender, encender
    Make Made Hacer
    Mean Meant Significar
    Meet Met Conocer
    Pay Paid Pagar
    Put Put Poner
    Read Read Leer
    Ride Riden Montar
    Ring Rung Llamar
    Rise Risen Subir, crecer
    Run Ran Correr
    Say Said Decir
    See Seen Ver
    Sell Sold Vender
    Send Sent Enviar
    Set Set Poner, colocar
    Sew Swen Coser
    Shake Shaken Agitar
    Shine Shone Brillar
    Shoot Shot Disparar
    Show Shown Mostrar, enseñar
    Shrink Shrunk Encoger
    Shut Shut Cerrar
    Sing Sung Cantar
    Sink Sunk Hundir
    Sit Sat Sentarse
    Sleep Slept Dormir
    Slide Slide Deslizar, deslizarse
    Smell Smelt Oler
    Sow Sown Sembrar
    Speak Spoken Hablar
    Spell Spelt / spelled Deletrear
    Spend Spent Gastar
    Spill Spilt Derramar, verter
    Spit Spat Escupir
    Split Split quebrar, dividir
    Spoil Spoilt Echar a perder/mimar
    Spread Spread Extender, difundir, untar
    Spring Sprung Salir, aparecer, brotar
    Stand Stood Estar de pie
    Steal Stolen Robar
    Stick Stuck Clavar, pegar
    Sting Stung Picar, escocer
    Strike Struck Golpear
    Swear Sworn Basfemar/jurar
    Sweep Swept Barrer
    Swell Swollen Aumentar, crecer
    Swim Swum Nadar
    Swing Swung Balancear, balancearse
    Take Taken Coger/llevar/tomar
    Teach Taught Enseñar
    Tear Torn Rasgar/arrancar
    Tell Told Decir/contar
    Think Thought Pensar
    Throw Thrown Tirar, arrojar
    Understand Understood Entender
    Wake Woken Despertarse
    Wear Worn Llevar puesto-ropa
    Weep Wept Llorar
    Win Won Ganar
    Write Written Escribir

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  • How to BURNOUT - This EPIC Instructor Teaches You Everything You Need to do a Burnout in ANY Car

    This legendary instructor is about to teach you everything you need to know on how to burnout like a. well, youll see. In this video, each of the fundamental steps of how to do a burnout will be taught, as well as what not to do.\r
    There are a few common mistakes that people make when attempting to do a burnout in a car, and I want to make sure you avoid these potentially car damaging errors.\r
    In my video that teaches how to burnout, the first thing I explain is the trion control settings and how you will want the trion systems set to burn rubber. I then teach you how to drop the clutch in a manual transmission to do a burnout. Make sure that when you drop the clutch the RPMs are high enough to get the wheels spinning, and be 100% sure that the clutch hooks up and is not slipping.\r
    After the clutch hooked up and the wheels are spinning, press on the brake hard enough to keep the car stopped or moving at a slow crawl. Make sure you dont press the brake so hard that the drive wheels stop spinning and the clutch spins.\r
    There is a big difference in terms of smell, and cost of labor/parts to replace a set of tires vs replacing a clutch.\r
    After the tires are spinning and you are doing a burnout in your car, make sure you dont smoke the tires too long. I point out a few things that can potentially go wrong when doing a burnout, such as the tires popping, the brakes heating up, and the tires hooking up and launching you forward after you let off the brake.\r
    If your tires are in bad condition and you burn them too long, they could pop and cause serious damage to your car or even potentially injure a bystander. If the brakes get too hot they could not only wear significantly, but they could also catch on fire and lead to more problems than you were asking for.\r
    When you want to end the burnout, you can let off the gas and keep your foot on the brake and/or press in the clutch to take the power away from the wheels so you dont launch forward or send the cause veering off course and crash.\r
    Make sure you are aware that the engine wont be able to cool down as well as if you are driving fast. Wind will not be entering the engine bay under the hood to blow all that smokin engine heat out of there and give the components a chance to cool down.\r
    I hope this video has been helpful in your quest to learn how to burnout like a bad.. :). Share this video on forums and with friends, Click like, and subscribe for more great videos, thanks!\r
    Relevant searches:\r
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    Ver video "How to BURNOUT - This EPIC Instructor Teaches You Everything You Need to do a Burnout in ANY Car"

  • 1995 UK "Love City Groove"

    We're really makin', we're really makin'
    We're really makin', we're really makin'
    We're really makin', we're really makin'
    We're really makin' love now, uh...

    Ooh, baby, you know how I been feelin'
    (Ooh babe, ooh babe, ooh ooh ooh babe, ooh babe)
    Ooh, baby, you know how I been feelin'
    (Ooh babe, ooh babe, ooh ooh ooh babe, ooh babe)

    Baby, baby, baby, you got me goin' crazy
    I'm feelin' kinda high, my mind is gettin' hazy
    But when I think of you, I know just what to do
    You make me feel so happy when I'm feelin' blue

    You're pickin' me up with a kiss, a touch o' your hand
    You're all that I want, you're everything I planned
    Like a fairy tale story, you're the man o' my dreams
    My knight in shining armour, well, that's how it seems

    You greet me in the morning with a kiss and a smile
    And for the rest of the day I'm on cloud nine
    (Ooh babe, ooh babe, ooh ooh ooh babe...)
    It may sound like fantasy, but to me, it's real
    And I could trust my emotions 'cause I know what I feel

    What we have is special, and that it would last
    Our hearts beaten as one, it's pumpin' blood real fast
    (Ooh babe, ooh babe, ooh ooh ooh babe...)
    'Cause the connection is truly from above
    And I thank God

    In the mornin' when the sun shines down on your body
    I know we're really makin' love now
    In the mornin' when the sun shines down on your body
    I know we're really makin' love now

    Now baby, baby, when I first saw your face
    I saw you had flavour and I wanted a taste of this sweet thing
    But now there's so much more
    'Cause everyday I'm thinkin' about what my baby has in store

    Trust and believe, day to day, you never doubt her
    'Cause I used to have a dream girl, but now I found her
    And she's by my side, she's my pride, my all
    Ten foot tall, that's how I feel, I never fall, I never fell

    Oh... what the hell, I'll admit it
    Love was the target and you hit it
    So as I watch you sleep in the middle of the night
    You open your eyes and I know it's so right

    Two hearts, two minds, two people, one love
    And the way you're makin' me feel
    It's like you're sent from up above
    (Ooh babe, ooh babe, ooh ooh ooh babe...)
    Your touch, your smell, your face, a unique breed
    It's only love but it's all that I need

    In the mornin' when the sun shines down on your body
    I know we're really makin' love now
    In the mornin' when the sun shines down on your body
    I know we're really makin' love now
    In the mornin' when the sun shines down on your body
    I know we're really makin' love now

    We're really makin', we're really makin'
    We're really makin', we're really makin'
    We're really makin', we're really makin'
    We're really makin' love now, uh...

    I'm glad that I been found, always wanted you around
    Keepin' me lost for words, yeah, I know how that sounds
    Now I been to many places and I seen many things
    But nothin' that I know can ever make my heart sing like you do
    It's like a voodoo, you know what I'm sayin'?
    Baby girl, I ain't playin'
    I'm glad that I'm the one to rock your world
    'Cause honey - yeah...

    In the mornin' when the sun shines down on your body
    I know we're really makin' love now
    In the mornin' when the sun shines down on your body
    I know we're really makin' love now

    In the mornin' when the sun shines down on your body
    I know we're really makin' love now
    In the mornin' when the sun shines down on your body
    I know we're really makin' love now

    Ver video "1995 UK "Love City Groove""

  • 11 Weirdest and Coolest Toys from the 90s

    The 90s were amazing! Here are some of the 11 Weirdest and Coolest Toys from the 90s. These fad toys were ultra super popular\r
    Subscribe to Talltanic \r
    5 - Gak\r
    This popular form of slime courtesy of those fine chaps at Nickelodeon had kids giggling with delight over one of the oldest jokes in human history, fart noises. Created by the toy company Mattel, these strange moulding compounds had to be properly stored in their molding case in order to avoid drying out. Stretch it, mold it, snap it, bounce it, love it, squeeze for stress relief or but the gak in the dark model to make yourself a super nifty retro glow in the dark goo flavored nightlight. There are a bunch of homemade recipes online which you can easily find, so feel free to do it yourself and enjoy countless hours of fart noises and stretchy gakky features. Theres also solar Gak, Smell my Gak, Gaks alive, \r
    4 - Skip It\r
    Heres one which many of us have our wrinkled fingers crossed will make a comeback. Allow me to reintroduce the Skip It! This toy attaches to your foot with a circular hoop, a little plastic twine connects this to the ball at the end, which would record the number of spins as your legs hopped to kick it around and around your legs until you got exhausted or bashed the ball clean off, which happened more often than not, my neighbor busted mine and never replaced it, makes me all sad and nostalgic just remembering kicking the plastic shell in circles for hours. This little plastic toy was great exercise but again, attention spans were fast paced in the 1990s and the skip it was soon replaced by other things, but some of us remember the good times, spent chasing our skip its around in pleasant circular patterns. \r
    3 - Pogs\r
    These fad toys were ultra super popular for a few months in the 90s and then as fast as they came vanished without a trace, except for a few stubborn collectors who still have a crate of these milk cap inspired creations in their basement, because many of us refuse to let the 90s die! Originally conceived from a game played with milk caps, these pieces of thick cardboard shaped like circles would have decorative designs on one side and a brand name or white space on the other. A pog board could be purchased for cheap as well as a slammer, which is a much thicker version of a pog and youre ready to do battle! Kids would decide in the beginning to play for keeps or just for fun, or not for keeps, but most of us would peer pressure until the stakes were raised to keeps. U each place your pogs on the board face down, then bounce the slammer against the board, every pog which turns up face up with the design showing would be awarded to that player and so on until all the pogs were accredited for, the person with the most at the end wins. This is another crazy 90s fad which has many of us hoping will make a comeback so we can break out those circles of power and slammers of doom! \r
    2 - Tamagotchi\r
    Who can forget the first totally digital keychain pets! From those cats in Japan and the world of Bandi, these little computer babies became a huge fad, over 76 million were sold worldwide and then just as fast the tiny computerised creatures vanished from the face of the Earth. This probably had something to do with the f that if you left one alone in your locker during class or forgot about the little bugger in your pocket for an hour or so the little digital critter would die. This virtual pet required feeding, happiness and discipline, there were mini games to play and new candies to be earned, if you really tried and spent every waking hour taking care of the pixelated pet, they would grow from tiny babies to healthy bizarre extremely whiny needy creatures. They go from baby to child to teen to adult, however, most of us never had the attention span to make it passed teen and we would often return to find our beloved digital whatever creature these things are neglected and dead from starvation or living in its own filth. Maybe we should have just stuck to pet rocks. \r
    1 - Super Soakers\r
    If you didnt have a super soaker back in the 1990s, then you were doomed to get wet with no means of retaliation. These recreational water guns which utilised manual pressure to fire streams of water at your opponent usually through aof pumping motions were invented in the 80s but didnt go on sale till 1990. And we have hooked ever since, there are a million different versions of these high powered water guns, there were models which had backpacks full of water which strapped to your back, dual ion firing nozzles, high-pressure water pump ion and some even had laser pointing technology for more accurate and deadly sprays of ice cold water. Nerf still makes loads of money from these high class water guns, wh

    Ver video "11 Weirdest and Coolest Toys from the 90s"

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